A glimpse of new ‘Xmas decorations from Laura Cristin Sheren
At the end of a very intense/happy 2019, I wish all the best to everybody, offering with this card just a glimpse of my INTERIORity coming from brand new ‘Xmas decorations, recycled and revisited from the past. Among these: a crib made with four statuines recently bought in Naples, set around the invite of mcDONAlds (let us donate!), a nativity scene with the figurines of my childhood hosted this year in a new shelter (roof is made with part of a wooden crate “La Qualità dal 1954” – referring to Sicilian citrus fruit – preserved for years) to end with a ©hristmas tree – made out with an advert of the Aspirine with vitamin C – that was collected outside a chemist shop. Enjoy getting towards the new decennial!