“Nascita di Venere..1484 è 2018”, cm 9,5×25,5 was painted by Laura Cristin in February 2018 on a little board – rescued from the wood-shed – that had served to test the marine colours (in the Nineties) for bigger paintings. The self-portrait on the left is taken from a photo of the performance “Healing in London” at the Kingsley Hall (September 2017) set in the atmosphere of the birth of Venus painted by Botticelli in 1484.
On Friday, August 3rd, at Synesthesia Festival in Mondolfo (PU), la Notte Bianca will take place from 7 pm till 2 am. Sheren will recreate a living and participatory installation starting with a metaphorical sea as an open space to navigate in the waves of Love. Starting from the sunset, Sheren’s fluctuating and collaborative presence/installation will take shape and life. One can contribute to the en/chantment by shaking, for example, sachets of sugar like sticks-of-rain, wetting the feet, sharing something Sherenesque or in other sensitive ways suggested by free imagination. At times, SherenaDa (in mp3) by Dario Della Rossa will help along with other tracks on the same wavelengths.
Full program at
Clockwise: 13: sentimental B.day installation with mailart received from Joel Cohen; 14: Natalia receiving from my mum the diary of my grandma Angela at ADN of Pieve Santo Stefano (Arezzo) – incidentally, Fumis Angela was born on 10 June and died on 17 June 1968 – ; 15: standing at the entrance of the Archive of Diaries; 14: donation of my (art)diaries LC (also containing CG) and ST to Archivio Diaristico Nazionale – incidentally ST that stands for Standards (Tarot paintings) can also stand for Saverio Tutino who founded the Archive and ‘created’ the myth of Che Guevara (born on 14 June) in Italy – ; 27: with Sticker Dude Banana Cake (new receipe) in connection with the reunion of Grateful Dead in Santa Clara (California); 21 (12:07 Summer Solstice): attending the meeting “tra pari” at CSM of Parco Basaglia in Gorizia.
In 2018 many anniversaries occur, such as the 40th from Basaglia’s law #180 (May 1978) and of my marriage (February 1978), the 50th from my trip to Bandiera Gialla (January 1968) in Rome with the psychologist Letizia Comba. This June, special coincidances took place around my B.day. The above card can reveal/explain more. Though, the core of it is only detectable by heART!