A Wave 4 SFMOMAilart Congress snap+share

Category : performance, mailart, around the world · by Aug 3rd, 2019

07-3AUGDSC06563persito On August 3rd 2019, the mail art congress snap+share hosted by The Sticker Dude, John Held and others, will take place at San Francisco MOMA from 1:00 to 5:00 pm local time. On the same day, photos were taken first thing in the morning in the star shaped city of Palmanova (Italy) as a wave of good wish from Laura Cristin Sheren. The original portrait of Joel Cohen, made in 2016 as a memory of a jointed performance in Coney Island in 2012, was installed in the central niche of the square, just below a pennon flagging the Italian flag and on a water well that reminds the Ocean. Since the nine hours of time difference (Europe is farther ahead than California in this field!) the action is meant as a preview. Other correspondances will follow in coincidence with the Congress.